
Best photos of the month, December 2024.

Northern Hawk Owl | Alexandr Kochetkov | 11

Eurasian Dipper | Sergey Chumakov | 10

Snowy Owl | Alexandr Kochetkov | 10

Willow Ptarmigan | Alexandr Kochetkov | 7

Tufted Duck | Mihail Ivanov | 5

Eurasian Goldfinch | Andrey Borodkin | 5

Common Goldeneye | Sergey Chumakov | 3

rare birds records

Common Starling (Sturnus vulgaris)

© Maxim Afanasiev

The first registration in winter in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).

Slaty-backed Gull (Larus schistisagus)

© Nadezhda Brodnikova
Sakha Ust Maya

A distant and very early case of vagrancy to Yakutia.

Amur Falcon (Falco amurensis)

© Igor Fefelov
Ekhirit-Bulagatsky District, Irkutsk Region

The 3rd record in the Irkutsk Region, the first record of two individuals together.

Common Moorhen (Gallinula chloropus)

© Aleksey Bolshakov

The photoconfirmation of the Moorhen's breeding in the Irkutsk Region.

unidentified birds


Максим Долгов: Серой и черной?


Сергей Л. Волков: Если можно кропнуть крупнее, то тоже будет хорошо.

more unidentified birds...