
Best photos of the month, July 2024.

Saker Falcon | Alexandr Kochetkov | 16

White-headed Duck | Andrey Chernykh | 13

Long-tailed Duck | Vladimir Kuzmin | 12

Pine Grosbeak | Denis Zhbir | 12

Northern Hazelhen | Maxim Afanasiev | 12

Common Sandpiper | Olga Nemezhikova | 12

Brown Shrike | Olga Nemezhikova | 12

Savi's Warbler | Andrey Chernykh | 11

Bar-tailed Godwit | Vladimir Kuzmin | 11

Pallas's Sandgrouse | Dmitry Dubikovskiy | 10

Common Sandpiper | Olga Fattakhova | 10

Common Kingfisher | Olga Fattakhova | 10

Eurasian Penduline Tit | Denis Voronov | 10

Long-eared Owl | Aleksey Bolshakov | 9

Demoiselle Crane | Alexandr Kochetkov | 9

Hoopoe | Alexandr Kochetkov | 9

Short-eared Owl | Alexandr Kochetkov | 9

Blyth's Reed Warbler | Alexandr Kochetkov | 9

Black Stork | Denis Zhbir | 9

Black-throated Thrush | Denis Zhbir | 9

Black-faced Bunting | Olga Fattakhova | 9

Ural Owl | Denis Voronov | 9

Black Stork | Ekaterina Belova | 9

Little Stint | Katya Tsekhmister | 8

Little Bunting | Vladimir Kuzmin | 8

Red-necked Phalarope | Vladimir Kuzmin | 8

Pallas's Grasshopper Warbler | Aleksey Bolshakov | 8

Isabelline Shrike | Alexandr Kochetkov | 8

Barred Warbler | Alexandr Kochetkov | 8

Yellow-breasted Bunting | Alexandr Kochetkov | 8

Olive-backed Pipit | Denis Zhbir | 8

Bearded Tit | Olga Fattakhova | 8

Ural Owl | Denis Voronov | 8

Eurasian Golden Plover | Vladimir Kuzmin | 8

Grey Heron | Ekaterina Belova | 8

Barred Warbler | Vladimir Maer | 7

Eurasian Redstart | Vladimir Maer | 7

Rock Ptarmigan | Dmitry Dubikovskiy | 7

Wood Sandpiper | Vladimir Kuzmin | 7

Redwing | Vladimir Kuzmin | 7

Northern Pintail | Vladimir Kuzmin | 7

Black Scoter | Vladimir Kuzmin | 7

Yellow-breasted Bunting | Aleksey Bolshakov | 7

Great Crested Grebe | Aleksey Bolshakov | 7

Steppe Eagle | Alexandr Kochetkov | 7

Little Tern | Alexandr Kochetkov | 7

Siberian Jay | Maxim Afanasiev | 7

Yellowhammer | Denis Voronov | 7

Booted Warbler | Olga Nemezhikova | 7

Goosander | Olga Nemezhikova | 7

Upland Buzzard | Ekaterina Belova | 7

Common Rosefinch | Ekaterina Belova | 7

Red-backed Shrike | Vjacheslav Liutin | 7

Eurasian Goldfinch | Vjacheslav Liutin | 7

Common Rosefinch | Vasily Stashiba | 7

Ural Owl | Denis Voronov | 7

Hodgson's Rosefinch | Vladimir Maer | 6

Northern Lapwing | Maksim Volkov | 6

Red-necked Phalarope | Katya Tsekhmister | 6

Wood Sandpiper | Katya Tsekhmister | 6

Eastern Yellow Wagtail | Vladimir Kuzmin | 6

Arctic Loon | Vladimir Kuzmin | 6

Red-breasted Merganser | Vladimir Kuzmin | 6

Merlin | Vladimir Kuzmin | 6

Little Ringed Plover | Vladimir Kuzmin | 6

Northern Wheatear | Vladimir Kuzmin | 6

Pacific Swift | Aleksey Bolshakov | 6

Long-eared Owl | Aleksey Bolshakov | 6

Black Stork | Aleksey Bolshakov | 6

Upland Buzzard | Alexandr Kochetkov | 6

Ortolan Bunting | Alexandr Kochetkov | 6

Common Buzzard | Alexandr Kochetkov | 6

Brown Shrike | Alexandr Kochetkov | 6

Daurian Redstart | Tatiana Semenova | 6

Naumann's Thrush | Maxim Afanasiev | 6

Goosander | Olga Fattakhova | 6

Common Sandpiper | Olga Nemezhikova | 6

Tufted Duck | Olga Nemezhikova | 6

Garganey | Olga Nemezhikova | 6

Great Cormorant | Ekaterina Belova | 6

Common Kestrel | Ekaterina Belova | 6

Red-backed Shrike | Vjacheslav Liutin | 6

Red-necked Phalarope | Vladimir Kuzmin | 6

Pacific Swift | Aleksey Bolshakov | 6

Long-eared Owl | Aleksey Bolshakov | 6

Northern Hazelhen | Maxim Afanasiev | 6

Ural Owl | Denis Voronov | 6

Red-backed Shrike | Vjacheslav Liutin | 6

Himalayan Accentor | Vladimir Maer | 5

Eurasian Linnet | Vladimir Maer | 5

Black Redstart | Andrey Chernykh | 5

Arctic Loon | Maksim Volkov | 5

Tufted Duck | Vladimir Kuzmin | 5

Eurasian Wigeon | Vladimir Kuzmin | 5

Terek Sandpiper | Vladimir Kuzmin | 5

Lesser Whitethroat | Vladimir Kuzmin | 5

Greater Ringed Plover | Vladimir Kuzmin | 5

Greater Scaup | Vladimir Kuzmin | 5

Pallas's Reed Bunting | Vladimir Kuzmin | 5

Arctic Tern | Vladimir Kuzmin | 5

Long-eared Owl | Aleksey Bolshakov | 5

Black-tailed Godwit | Aleksey Bolshakov | 5

Pied Wheatear | Alexandr Kochetkov | 5

Dusky Warbler | Alexandr Kochetkov | 5

Upland Buzzard | Alexandr Kochetkov | 5

Pine Grosbeak | Denis Zhbir | 5

Little Bunting | Maxim Afanasiev | 5

Naumann's Thrush | Maxim Afanasiev | 5

Black Kite | serg silan | 5

Fieldfare | serg silan | 5

Common Sandpiper | Olga Fattakhova | 5

Eurasian Woodcock | Olga Fattakhova | 5

Spotted Flycatcher | Denis Voronov | 5

Common Moorhen | Denis Voronov | 5

Booted Warbler | Denis Voronov | 5

Common Whitethroat | Denis Voronov | 5

Masked Wagtail | Olga Nemezhikova | 5

Mallard | Olga Nemezhikova | 5

Bluethroat | Olga Nemezhikova | 5

Tufted Duck | Olga Nemezhikova | 5

Mistle Thrush | Konstantin Kisloy | 5

Eurasian Golden Plover | Vladimir Kuzmin | 5

Red-backed Shrike | Vjacheslav Liutin | 5

Red-backed Shrike | Vjacheslav Liutin | 5

Azure Tit | Vjacheslav Liutin | 5

Common Kingfisher | Andrey Borodkin | 5

Ural Owl | Denis Voronov | 5

Brown Shrike | Olga Nemezhikova | 5

Pacific Swift | Aleksey Bolshakov | 5

Pine Grosbeak | Denis Zhbir | 5

Ural Owl | Denis Voronov | 5

Bearded Tit | Aleksey Bolshakov | 5

rare birds records

Slaty-backed Gull (Larus schistisagus)

© Nadezhda Brodnikova
Sakha Ust Maya

A distant and very early case of vagrancy to Yakutia.

Amur Falcon (Falco amurensis)

© Igor Fefelov
Ekhirit-Bulagatsky District, Irkutsk Region

The 3rd record in the Irkutsk Region, the first record of two individuals together.

Common Moorhen (Gallinula chloropus)

© Aleksey Bolshakov

The photoconfirmation of the Moorhen's breeding in the Irkutsk Region.

Eastern Imperial Eagle (Aquila heliaca)

© Dmitry Nizovtsev
inter-settlement territories of the Uvatsky municipal district, Tyumen region

The northernmost photo-recotd of this species in the Western Siberia at the website.

unidentified birds


Игорь Фефелов: Он.


Сергей Л. Волков: И на мой взгляд, седоголовая овсянка. Но, конечно, не 100%.

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