
Best photos of the month, July 2023.

Eurasian Scops-Owl | Vadim Ivushkin | 24

Eurasian Roller | Denis Zhbir | 24

Common Quail | Vladimir Kulikov | 19

Arctic Loon | Vladimir Maer | 15

Common Moorhen | Dmitry Dubikovskiy | 15

Ural Owl | Elena Fedotova | 15

Black Stork | Vladimir Maer | 14

Desert Wheatear | Vladimir Maer | 13

Red-necked Phalarope | Dmitry Dubikovskiy | 13

Eurasian Three-Toed Woodpecker | Olga Fattakhova | 13

Great Crested Grebe | Olga Nemezhikova | 13

White-winged Snowfinch | Vladimir Maer | 12

Common Kingfisher | Dmitry Dubikovskiy | 12

Eurasian Roller | Denis Zhbir | 12

Corncrake | Olga Fattakhova | 12

Eyebrowed Thrush | Olga Fattakhova | 12

Pacific Swift | Aleksey Bolshakov | 12

Brown Accentor | Vladimir Maer | 11

Crested Honey-buzzard | Dmitry Dubikovskiy | 11

Siberian Crane | Victor Khamin | 11

Black-winged Stilt | Denis Zhbir | 11

Pacific Swift | Aleksey Bolshakov | 11

Common Cuckoo | Vladimir Maer | 10

Eurasian Linnet | Nadezhda Bogomyakova | 10

Yellow Wagtail | Nadezhda Bogomyakova | 10

Eurasian Roller | Aleksey Kudinov | 10

Wood Pigeon | Andrei Panov | 10

Goosander | Aleksey Bolshakov | 10

Bearded Tit | Denis Zhbir | 10

European Bee-eater | Denis Zhbir | 10

Eurasian Woodcock | Olga Fattakhova | 10

Bluethroat | Olga Nemezhikova | 10

Goosander | Olga Nemezhikova | 10

Eurasian Scops-Owl | Vadim Ivushkin | 10

Eurasian Scops-Owl | Vadim Ivushkin | 10

Great White Egret | Vladimir Maer | 9

Sharp-tailed Sandpiper | Vladimir Maer | 9

Red-necked Phalarope | Dmitry Dubikovskiy | 9

Rock Sparrow | Vladimir Pankratov | 9

Marsh Sandpiper | Yuliya Shalamova | 9

Eurasian Wigeon | Aleksei Kungurov | 9

Arctic Loon | Vladimir Kuzmin | 9

Pacific Swift | Aleksey Bolshakov | 9

Pallas's Rosefinch | Olga Fattakhova | 9

Hoopoe | Olga Fattakhova | 9

Common Coot | Olga Nemezhikova | 9

Crested Honey-buzzard | Dmitry Dubikovskiy | 9

Eurasian Scops-Owl | Vadim Ivushkin | 9

Citrine Wagtail | Vladimir Maer | 8

European Nightjar | Dmitry Dubikovskiy | 8

Greenish Warbler | Dmitry Dubikovskiy | 8

Mongolian Finch | Vladimir Pankratov | 8

Brown Accentor | Vladimir Pankratov | 8

Arctic Loon | Vladimir Pankratov | 8

Lesser Spotted Woodpecker | Natalia Vorobyova | 8

Bluethroat | Nadezhda Bogomyakova | 8

Common Stonechat | Nadezhda Bogomyakova | 8

Common Greenshank | Konstantin Kisloy | 8

Eastern Imperial Eagle | Aleksey Bolshakov | 8

Olive-backed Pipit | Tatiana Semenova | 8

Booted Warbler | Elena Kleymenova | 8

Common Stonechat | Olga Nemezhikova | 8

Booted Warbler | Olga Nemezhikova | 8

Northern Bullfinch | Olga Nemezhikova | 8

Great Cormorant | Ekaterina Belova | 8

Eurasian Scops-Owl | Vadim Ivushkin | 8

Meadow Bunting | Vladimir Maer | 7

Common Greenshank | Dmitry Dubikovskiy | 7

Pallas's Grasshopper Warbler | Vadim Ivushkin | 7

Red-necked Phalarope | Andrey Chernykh | 7

Black Woodpecker | Nadezhda Bogomyakova | 7

Common Kingfisher | Andrei Panov | 7

Mallard | Aleksei Kungurov | 7

Oriental Turtle Dove | Aleksei Kungurov | 7

Lesser Whitethroat | Vladimir Kuzmin | 7

Red-backed Shrike | Denis Zhbir | 7

Black-winged Stilt | Irina Kruglova | 7

Pacific Swift | Aleksey Bolshakov | 7

Bearded Tit | Denis Zhbir | 7

rare birds records

Eastern Marsh-harrier (Circus spilonotus)

© Konstantin Samodurow

A record well west from the main range/

Chinese Spot-billed Duck (Anas zonorhyncha)

© Alexandr Kochetkov
Novosibirskaya oblast

The 2nd photo-record in Altaisky Kray.

Ferruginous Duck (Aythya nyroca)

© Andrey Chernykh

The first record of the species in the Irkutsk Region.

Eastern Imperial Eagle (Aquila heliaca)

© Maxim Afanasiev

The first record of the species in Yakutia.

unidentified birds


Игорь Фефелов: Но не очень пойм, не к-воробей ли такой выгоревший...


Сергей Силантьев: Теньковка.

more unidentified birds...