262 434
blog posts
480 photographed species of 577 (83%)


Vasilkova Svetlana

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total species: 179
total photos: 693
total videos: 0
total blogposts: 0

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1. Black Woodpecker (2021-01-08)
2. Red Crossbill (2021-01-08)
3. Eurasian Dipper (2021-01-13)
4. Great Spotted Woodpecker (2021-01-13)
5. Great Cormorant (2021-01-16)
6. Pine Grosbeak (2021-01-16)
7. Azure Tit (2021-01-16)
8. Common Redpoll (2021-01-20)
9. Common Raven (2021-01-24)
10. Willow Tit (2021-01-24)
11. Eurasian Nuthatch (2021-01-24)
12. Eurasian Jay (2021-01-24)
13. Coal Tit (2021-01-24)
14. Great Tit (2021-01-24)
15. Long-tailed Tit (2021-01-25)
16. Upland Buzzard (2021-01-25)
17. Common Goldeneye (2021-01-25)
18. Mallard (2021-01-29)
19. Rough-legged Buzzard (2021-01-30)
20. Yellowhammer (2021-01-30)
21. Northern Bullfinch (2021-01-30)
22. Northern Goshawk (2021-01-30)
23. Azure-winged Magpie (2021-02-02)
24. Common Treecreeper (2021-02-06)
25. Spotted Nutcracker (2021-02-06)
26. Grey-Headed Woodpecker (2021-02-06)
27. Long-tailed Rosefinch (2021-02-11)
28. Carrion Crow (2021-02-12)
29. Baikal Bullfinch (2021-02-13)
30. Red-breasted Merganser (2021-02-13)
31. Goosander (2021-02-13)
32. Long-tailed Duck (2021-02-13)
33. White-tailed Sea-Eagle (2021-02-13)
34. Rock Pigeon (2021-02-13)
35. Asian Rosy-Finch (2021-02-13)
36. Daurian Partridge (2021-03-04)
37. House Sparrow (2021-03-04)
38. Bohemian Waxwing (2021-03-04)
39. Smew (2021-03-06)
40. Horned Lark (2021-03-07)
41. Eurasian Magpie (2021-03-07)
42. Ruddy Shelduck (2021-03-28)
43. Vega Gull (2021-03-28)
44. Black Kite (2021-03-28)
45. Gyrfalcon (2021-03-28)
46. Grey Heron (2021-03-28)
47. Meadow Bunting (2021-03-28)
48. White Wagtail (2021-03-28)
49. Lesser Spotted Woodpecker (2021-04-01)
50. Northern Hazelhen (2021-04-03)
51. Snow Bunting (2021-04-04)
52. Lapland Longspur (2021-04-04)
53. Hen Harrier (2021-04-04)
54. Rook (2021-04-11)
55. Tree Sparrow (2021-04-11)
56. Sky Lark (2021-04-11)
57. Black-headed Gull (2021-04-11)
58. Common Pochard (2021-04-16)
59. Northern Reed Bunting (2021-04-16)
60. Common Teal (2021-04-16)
61. Common Coot (2021-04-16)
62. Bewick's Swan (2021-04-18)
63. Northern Lapwing (2021-04-18)
64. Isabelline Wheatear (2021-04-18)
65. Northern Pintail (2021-04-18)
66. Water Pipit (2021-04-18)
67. Common Snipe (2021-04-18)
68. Short-eared Owl (2021-04-18)
69. Tufted Duck (2021-04-21)
70. Marsh Tit (2021-04-21)
71. Brambling (2021-04-21)
72. Rustic Bunting (2021-04-21)
73. Red-throated Thrush (2021-04-21)
74. Red-flanked Bluetail (2021-04-21)
75. Northern Wheatear (2021-04-21)
76. Common Chiffchaff (2021-04-21)
77. Gadwall (2021-04-21)
78. Hawfinch (2021-04-23)
79. Citrine Wagtail (2021-04-23)
80. Osprey (2021-04-23)
81. Great Crested Grebe (2021-04-23)
82. Green Sandpiper (2021-04-23)
83. Eastern Marsh-harrier (2021-04-23)
84. Greater Scaup (2021-04-23)
85. Great Grey Owl (2021-05-05)
86. Song Thrush (2021-05-05)
87. Eurasian Redstart (2021-05-05)
88. Naumann's Thrush (2021-05-06)
89. Dusky Thrush (2021-05-06)
90. Black-throated Thrush (2021-05-06)
91. Pine Bunting (2021-05-07)
92. Daurian Redstart (2021-05-09)
93. Eurasian Wryneck (2021-05-10)
94. Bluethroat (2021-05-10)
95. Sand Martin (2021-05-10)
96. White-cheeked Starling (2021-05-10)
97. Northern House Martin (2021-05-10)
98. Eurasian Wigeon (2021-05-10)
99. Booted Eagle (2021-05-10)
100. Eastern Buzzard (2021-05-10)
101. Demoiselle Crane (2021-05-10)
102. Garganey (2021-05-10)
103. Northern Shoveler (2021-05-10)
104. Little Ringed Plover (2021-05-10)
105. Richard's Pipit (2021-05-16)
106. Daurian Jackdaw (2021-05-16)
107. Common Sandpiper (2021-05-16)
108. Common Chaffinch (2021-05-16)
109. Common Kestrel (2021-05-16)
110. Fieldfare (2021-05-16)
111. Tree Pipit (2021-05-16)
112. Bearded Tit (2021-05-16)
113. Common Tern (2021-05-16)
114. Common Starling (2021-05-16)
115. White-Backed Woodpecker (2021-05-16)
116. Common Stonechat (2021-05-16)
117. Black-Necked Grebe (2021-05-19)
118. Wood Sandpiper (2021-05-19)
119. Little Stint (2021-05-19)
120. Marsh Sandpiper (2021-05-19)
121. Long-toed Stint (2021-05-19)
122. Lesser Whitethroat (2021-05-22)
123. Brown Shrike (2021-05-22)
124. Grey Wagtail (2021-05-23)
125. Yellow-breasted Bunting (2021-05-23)
126. Pacific Swift (2021-05-23)
127. Barn Swallow (2021-05-23)
128. Hill Pigeon (2021-05-23)
129. Pale Sand Martin (2021-05-23)
130. Little Bunting (2021-05-23)
131. Pallas's Warbler (2021-05-28)
132. Common Rosefinch (2021-05-29)
133. Arctic Warbler (2021-05-29)
134. Common Cuckoo (2021-05-29)
135. Black-faced Bunting (2021-05-31)
136. Grey-tailed Tattler (2021-05-31)
137. Common Gull (2021-05-31)
138. Siberian Flycatcher (2021-06-05)
139. Taiga Flycatcher (2021-06-05)
140. Blyth's Reed Warbler (2021-06-05)
141. Olive-backed Pipit (2021-06-12)
142. Oriental Turtle Dove (2021-06-12)
143. Common Sparrowhawk (2021-06-12)
144. Thick-billed Warbler (2021-06-12)
145. Crested Honey-buzzard (2021-06-12)
146. Siberian Rubythroat (2021-06-12)
147. Little Owl (2021-06-13)
148. Red-billed Chough (2021-06-13)
149. Chestnut-eared Bunting (2021-06-13)
150. Eurasian Curlew (2021-06-13)
151. Eurasian Hobby (2021-06-27)
153. Long-eared Owl (2021-06-29)
154. Curlew Sandpiper (2021-07-03)
155. Common Greenshank (2021-07-03)
156. Dusky Warbler (2021-07-03)
157. Black-tailed Godwit (2021-07-03)
158. Spotted Redshank (2021-07-03)
159. Eastern Imperial Eagle (2021-07-04)
160. Eurasian Siskin (2021-07-10)
161. Asian Brown Flycatcher (2021-07-10)
162. Caspian Tern (2021-07-10)
163. Bean Goose (2021-07-10)
164. Greater Spotted Eagle (2021-08-05)
165. Eurasian Goldfinch (2021-08-10)
166. Black Stork (2021-08-14)
167. Peregrine Falcon (2021-08-15)
168. Broad-billed Sandpiper (2021-08-15)
169. Temminck's Stint (2021-08-15)
170. Far Eastern Curlew (2021-08-28)
171. Pallas's Reed Bunting (2021-08-28)
172. Cinereous Vulture (2021-09-12)
173. Common Crane (2021-09-12)
174. Western Capercaillie (2021-09-23)
175. Buff-bellied Pipit (2021-09-26)
176. Japanese Quail (2021-09-26)
177. Eurasian Linnet (2021-10-10)
178. Northern Grey Shrike (2021-10-31)
179. Northern Hawk Owl (2021-12-04)

recent uploads

2021-12-04. Northern Hawk Owl, White-Backed Woodpecker.

2021-11-02. Upland Buzzard, Rough-legged Buzzard, Rough-legged Buzzard.

2021-11-01. Rough-legged Buzzard, Snow Bunting, Common Treecreeper, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Lesser Spotted Woodpecker, Eurasian Jay, Hen Harrier, Northern Grey Shrike.

2021-10-11. Yellowhammer, Smew, Upland Buzzard, Bean Goose, Bewick's Swan, Eurasian Linnet.

2021-09-27. Western Capercaillie, Western Capercaillie, Red-flanked Bluetail, Hawfinch, Black Woodpecker, Olive-backed Pipit, Common Sparrowhawk, Buff-bellied Pipit, Grey Wagtail, Eurasian Jay, Pallas's Warbler, White Wagtail, Spotted Redshank, Eastern Buzzard, Spotted Nutcracker, Lapland Longspur, Greater Spotted Eagle, Japanese Quail, Bean Goose, Common Crane.

2021-09-20. Booted Eagle, Common Sparrowhawk, Crested Honey-buzzard, Brambling, Common Sparrowhawk, Hen Harrier, Lapland Longspur, Lapland Longspur, Greater Spotted Eagle, Northern Hazelhen.

2021-09-16. Song Thrush.

2021-09-14. Cinereous Vulture, Common Crane, Daurian Redstart, Willow Tit, Coal Tit, Unkown Bird, Spotted Redshank, Hen Harrier, Grey Heron, Eastern Buzzard, Northern Pintail, Sky Lark, Black-headed Gull.

2021-09-11. Red-breasted Merganser.

2021-09-06. Eurasian Hobby, Hen Harrier, Taiga Flycatcher, Rook, Common Teal, Spotted Redshank, Greater Spotted Eagle.

2021-08-29. Peregrine Falcon, Far Eastern Curlew, Pallas's Reed Bunting, Little Stint, Common Sparrowhawk, Wood Sandpiper, Common Greenshank, Mallard, Common Gull, Green Sandpiper.

2021-08-17. Eurasian Goldfinch, Demoiselle Crane, Wood Sandpiper, Upland Buzzard, Black Kite, Black Stork, Unkown Bird, Eastern Marsh-harrier, Peregrine Falcon, Broad-billed Sandpiper, Grey-tailed Tattler, Wood Sandpiper, Temminck's Stint, Unkown Bird.

2021-08-11. Mallard, Gadwall.

2021-07-18. Eastern Imperial Eagle, Eastern Buzzard.

2021-07-12. Great Crested Grebe, Ruddy Shelduck, Eastern Buzzard, Unkown Bird, Ruddy Shelduck, Black-faced Bunting, Brown Shrike, Eurasian Siskin, Asian Brown Flycatcher, Common Goldeneye, Song Thrush, Asian Brown Flycatcher, Common Sandpiper, Caspian Tern, Bean Goose, Curlew Sandpiper, Little Stint, Common Greenshank, Eurasian Hobby, Barn Swallow, Olive-backed Pipit, Caspian Tern, Vega (Mongolian) Gull.

rare birds records

Amur Falcon (Falco amurensis)

© Igor Fefelov
Ekhirit-Bulagatsky District, Irkutsk Region

The 3rd record in the Irkutsk Region, the first record of two individuals together.

Common Moorhen (Gallinula chloropus)

© Aleksey Bolshakov

The photoconfirmation of the Moorhen's breeding in the Irkutsk Region.

Eastern Imperial Eagle (Aquila heliaca)

© Dmitry Nizovtsev
inter-settlement territories of the Uvatsky municipal district, Tyumen region

The northernmost photo-recotd of this species in the Western Siberia at the website.

Arctic Skua (Stercorarius parasiticus)

© Marina Borovskaya
pos. Kultuk, Irkutskaya obl.

The 2nd record in the Irkutsk eRgion.

more rarities...

recent video

2024-06-24. Goosander (Andrey Borodkin), Goosander (Andrey Borodkin).

2024-06-19. Corncrake (Nadia Goncharova), Corncrake (Nadia Goncharova).

2024-06-09. Goosander (Andrey Borodkin), Goosander (Andrey Borodkin).

2024-05-06. Goosander (Andrey Borodkin), Goosander (Andrey Borodkin).

2024-04-13. Carrion Crow (Andrey Borodkin), Carrion Crow (Andrey Borodkin).

2024-03-02. Northern Hawk Owl (Oleg Popov), Northern Hawk Owl (Oleg Popov), Red Crossbill (Oleg Popov), Red Crossbill (Oleg Popov), Red Crossbill (Oleg Popov).

more video...

unidentified birds


Наталья Воробьева: Фото только одно. По моему мнению пестрота- это шумы: время вечернее, пасмурно, фотоаппарат слабенький, настройки тоже не подобраны...


Игорь Фефелов: Да,не очень понятный, модет быть и гибрид.


Игорь Фефелов: Нерябинник.Самка краснозобого, что ли... или какая-то помесь краснозобого с рыже-бурыми, бровь уж очень широкая. Хвоста не видно. Но скорее [....]


Игорь Фефелов: Подозреваю, что настолько маленький клюв с равной вероятностью встречается у разных ББЧ... Но не дай бог и темная окраска с равной вероятностью [....]


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