
basic information

Mute Swan

Cygnus olor (Gmelin, 1789)


Reserve Ondatrovy, Altai Territory
© Andreyenkov Oleg and Nataly


In Siberia breeds in steppe and forest-steppe of Western Siberia. Expands its distribution to north.


Common breeding migrant. Inhabits fresh and salty lakes with reed beds and reed mace. Appears end February – early March in southern areas, and end March – early April in the North. Migration continues to mid-May. Breeds in separate pairs up to 500-1500 m. Large nest built in reed or mace beds in shallow water from dry reed stems. The inner cup is not particularly lined although some pieces of water grass and down appear in nests during incubation. Clutches of 3-7 eggs in mid-April – early May, sometimes earlier; and towards the end June, which can be replacement clutches. Female mostly incubates, male may sit for short periods. Juveniles hatch end May - June and begin to fly in August – September, and sometimes only at end of October. Adults moult while tending the brood, immature birds moult in flocks of several hundred on large lakes. Autumn migration lasts from end August – September to mid – end October or even to mid December, depending on when lakes begin to freeze. Adults with offspring leave together. Huge concentrations in shallow waters of Northern Caspian Sea in autumn. Birds ringed at Kurgaldzhino Lakes were found in winter on Caspian Sea (Kara-Bogaz-Gol, Dagestan), at Kabardino-Balkariya and at Kherson Region and Krym, Black Sea.


В.К.Рябицев. "Птицы Сибири". Москва-Екатеринбург, Изд-во "Кабинетный ученый", 2014


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Анна Ясько: Все-таки мне думается, что это обыкновенная.


Игорь Фефелов: Камышевка. Скорее всего садовая. Но не видно!


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