
basic information

Greater White-fronted Goose

Anser albifrons (Scopoli, 1769)

Белолобый гусь

о. Shokalsky, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug
© Dmitry Nizovtsev


Common and numerous breeder in the north of Siberia in arctic, common, and northern scrubby tundras. Numerous migrant in the Western Siberia; numbers of migrants at stopovers vary much in the Eastern Siberia.
Two subspecies in Siberia: A.a.albifrons west from the lower stream of Lena River, and somewhat larger A.a.frontalis eastward.


Common passage migrant, numerous in western, north-western and northern Kazakhstan, common in centre and rare in eastern, south-eastern and southern areas. Occurs in areas of green grass or on cereal fields (feeding), and on lakes (resting). Prefers to be in large flocks and rarely observed singly or in small groups. In spring appears early or mid-March near Turkestan and Shymkent. In more northern areas arrives in April, though near Petropavlovsk, first birds have been observed as late as 9th of May. Main migration second half of April – early May. Last birds observed in early June. Autumn migration rarely starts early – normally during second half September and continues to mid – end October. Not wintering in Kazakhstan.


В.К.Рябицев. "Птицы Сибири". Москва-Екатеринбург, Изд-во "Кабинетный ученый", 2014.


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