
basic information

Saker Falcon

Falco cherrug (Gray, 1834)


Chuya River, Altai Republic.
© Sergey Pisarevskiy


Inhabits forest-steppes and steppes in areas with presence of the individual trees or groves, power lines, geodesic towers; also in canyons, river precipices, rocky outcrops, and gorges in mountains. The proximity of habitats of a large number of rodents and birds which are containing the main food of Saker Falcon is a necessary condition for nesting both in plains and in mountains. In breeding areas appears from March to April. Breeds in separate pairs at least 300-400 m (usually 1-10 km and more) apart, mostly in old nests of other birds of prey (Long-legged Buzzard, Black Kite, Imperial Eagle) and crows; nest may be placed on the tree, on rock or pole. One nest is used some years, but if there is no shortage of suitable for breeding nests, the nests are rotated every year. Laying of 2-6 (usually 3-4) eggs is from end of March to May. Only female incubates for 30 days, male bring the food to female and to nestlings in first time. Chicks hatch from early May to early June. Both parents feed juveniles which fledge at age 45 days old, in end May – July. Autumn migration begins in the end of August – September. In small numbers Saker Falcons winters in areas with high number of pikas or relatively large rodents.


В.К.Рябицев. "Птицы Сибири". Москва-Екатеринбург, Изд-во "Кабинетный ученый", 2014.


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