

House Sparrow

Passer domesticus (Linnaeus,1758)

Домовый воробей
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2024-01-02 = 2024-06-17
2023-01-02 = 2023-12-09
2022-01-02 = 2022-12-18
2021-01-01 = 2021-12-11
2020-01-01 = 2020-12-20
2019-01-01 = 2019-12-06
2018-01-02 = 2018-12-22
2017-01-03 = 2017-12-09
2016-01-02 = 2016-12-14
2015-01-09 = 2015-12-17
2014-04-29 = 2014-10-26
2013-05-27 = 2013-10-06
2012-04-08 = 2012-06-11
2009-09-21 = 2009-11-16
1983-05-13 = 1983-12-20

2015-12-17 | | Konstantin Samodurow | Passer domesticus

2015-12-12 | | Konstantin Samodurow | Passer domesticus

2015-12-12 | | Mishail Belousow | Passer domesticus

2015-11-21 | Irkitsk, Baikal reg. | Vadim Ivushkin | Passer domesticus

2015-11-12 | g. Irrutsk | Alexandr Belyaev | Passer domesticus

2015-11-11 | | Konstantin Samodurow | Passer domesticus

2015-10-05 | Altaiski krai s. Zakovrjschino | Alina Boksorn | Passer domesticus

2015-09-06 | Tomsk region, Tomsk | Sergey Gashkov | Passer domesticus

2015-07-26 | Barnaul, Altayskiy kray | Evgeniy Boginskiy | Passer domesticus

2015-07-04 | Altacheiski res. Buryatia | Vadim Ivushkin | Passer domesticus

2015-06-25 | | Mishail Belousow | Passer domesticus

2015-05-28 | Vitimsky nature reserve, Northern Transbaikalia | Sergey L. Volkov | Passer domesticus

2015-05-23 | Krasnoyarsk. | Igor Latysh | Passer domesticus

2015-05-11 | Kemerovo | Nikolay Alekseev | Passer domesticus

2015-03-27 | Tyumen region, Tyumen | Maksim Mitropolskiy | Passer domesticus

2015-03-21 | | Yuriy Guzenko | Passer domesticus

2015-01-31 | Irkutsk, Baikal region | Vadim Ivushkin | Passer domesticus

2015-01-09 | Tomsk Region, Tomsk | Egor Dyachenko | Passer domesticus


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