

Tree Sparrow

Passer montanus (Linnaeus, 1758)

Полевой воробей
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2024-01-01 = 2024-06-06
2023-01-01 = 2023-12-31
2022-01-03 = 2022-12-20
2021-01-01 = 2021-12-24
2020-01-01 = 2020-12-31
2019-01-01 = 2019-12-22
2018-01-01 = 2018-12-23
2017-01-05 = 2017-11-26
2016-01-02 = 2016-12-25
2015-01-09 = 2015-12-26
2014-07-12 = 2014-11-15
2013-05-08 = 2013-12-13
2008-08-01 = 2008-10-05

2016-12-25 | Bratsk, Irkutsk region | Viktor Natykanets | Passer montanus

2016-12-18 | | Konstantin Samodurow | Passer montanus

2016-12-06 | | Maria Demina | Passer montanus

2016-12-03 | | Maria Demina | Passer montanus

2016-11-26 | | Victor Khamin | Passer montanus

2016-11-24 | Altai Republic Kosh-Agach region, Sarzhematy | Vyacheslav Zametnya | Passer montanus

2016-11-10 | Barnaul | Galina Hristolyubova | Passer montanus

2016-11-06 | | Maria Demina | Passer montanus

2016-10-29 | | Ekaterina Shichkova | Passer montanus

2016-08-09 | Shira village, Shirinskiy district, Khakassia | Andrey Bazdyrev | Passer montanus

2016-08-03 | | Aleksandr Katuncev | Passer montanus

2016-08-03 | | Aleksandr Katuncev | Passer montanus

2016-07-31 | | Alexei Ebel | Passer montanus

2016-07-20 | | Ilya Sukhov | Passer montanus

2016-07-11 | gardening Splavshchik 2, Biysk district, Altai Territory | Andrey Bazdyrev | Passer montanus

2016-07-06 | | Anna Vasilchenko | Passer montanus

2016-07-05 | | Vladimir Maer | Passer montanus

2016-06-30 | Tatyshev island, Krasnoyarsk, Krasnoyarsk krai | Nikita Yablokov | Passer montanus

2016-06-26 | | Alexei Ebel | Passer montanus

2016-06-18 | Kemerovo, Por-Iskitim | Dmitry Dubikovskiy | Passer montanus

2016-05-28 | Altaiski krai s. Zakovrjschino | Alina Boksorn | Passer montanus

2016-05-06 | Altai Krai, Novichikhinskiy district, village Srostii | Elena Shnayder | Passer montanus

2016-05-02 | c.Povaliha, Pervomaicky raion, Altaicki krai | Nina Bredihina | Passer montanus

2016-04-24 | | Irina Popova | Passer montanus

2016-04-24 | | Natalia Vorobyova | Passer montanus

2016-04-24 | Siniy Utes, Tomsk region | Andrey Cherepanov | Passer montanus

2016-04-19 | | Andrey Chernykh | Passer montanus

2016-04-15 | | Anna Vasilchenko | Passer montanus

2016-03-27 | | Alexei Ebel | Passer montanus

2016-03-27 | | Vladimir Maer | Passer montanus

2016-03-21 | Tomsk region, Tomsk | Sergey Gashkov | Passer montanus

2016-03-20 | Kemerovo | Nina Shteinbrenner | Passer montanus

2016-03-19 | | Mishail Belousow | Passer montanus

2016-03-13 | At the village Kosiha (Kosikhinsky District, Altai Territory). The open dump. | Denis Solomakhin | Passer montanus

2016-02-29 | | andreukovets Danil | Passer montanus

2016-02-28 | | Yana Pleshkova | Passer montanus

2016-02-28 | | Liudmila Pozhidaeva | Passer montanus

2016-02-28 | Siniy Utes, Tomsk region | Andrey Cherepanov | Passer montanus

2016-02-27 | Biysk Altai region | Vladimir Pankratov | Passer montanus

2016-02-27 | Kemerovo | Dmitry Dubikovskiy | Passer montanus

2016-02-24 | | Vladimir Maer | Passer montanus

2016-02-22 | | Igor Latysh | Passer montanus

2016-02-21 | | Luiza Mardonova | Passer montanus

2016-02-07 | Siniy Utes, Tomsk region | Andrey Cherepanov | Passer montanus

2016-01-30 | | Vladimir Maer | Passer montanus

2016-01-30 | Tomsk region, Tomsk | Sergey Gashkov | Passer montanus

2016-01-24 | The shore of the river Chesnokovka in the city of Novoaltaisk (Altai Territory) | Denis Solomakhin | Passer montanus

2016-01-24 | Kemerovo | Dmitry Dubikovskiy | Passer montanus

2016-01-24 | Kemerovo | Dmitry Dubikovskiy | Passer montanus

2016-01-23 | | Sergey Chumakov | Passer montanus

2016-01-17 | | Konstantin Samodurow | Passer montanus

2016-01-16 | | Mishail Belousow | Passer montanus

2016-01-14 | | Konstantin Samodurow | Passer montanus

2016-01-10 | Academgorodok, Novosibirsk, NSO | Konstantin Romanov | Passer montanus

2016-01-09 | Irkitsk, Baikal reg. | Vadim Ivushkin | Passer montanus

2016-01-09 | The city Aleisk (Aleysky district, Altai Territory). | Denis Solomakhin | Passer montanus

2016-01-09 | Kemerovo | Dmitry Dubikovskiy | Passer montanus

2016-01-08 | | Sergey Chumakov | Passer montanus

2016-01-02 | Barnaul (park Izumrudniy), Altayskiy kray | Evgeniy Boginskiy | Passer montanus

2016-01-02 | | Alexei Ebel | Passer montanus

2016-01-02 | Barnaul | Galina Hristolyubova | Passer montanus


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Андрей Бородкин: Выглянул в окно и увидел группу птиц летевших со стороны р. Енисей в восточнов направлении на большой высоте, пока достал фотоаппарат, момент [....]


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Игорь Фефелов: Гнездятся-то на прижимах и восточный, и западный, и сибирский воронок. В Т.долине есть все три .

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