

Pied Flycatcher

Ficedula hypoleuca (Pallas, 1764)

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2024-04-07 = 2024-06-26
2023-04-28 = 2023-08-12
2022-04-30 = 2022-07-31
2021-05-03 = 2021-08-15
2020-04-24 = 2020-08-16
2019-05-02 = 2019-08-13
2018-04-28 = 2018-08-26
2017-05-01 = 2017-09-18
2016-04-20 = 2016-08-06
2015-05-04 = 2015-08-05
2014-05-12 = 2014-05-31
2013-05-26 = 2013-06-25
2012-05-30 = 2012-06-30
2010-06-14 = 2010-06-18

2017-09-18 | | Andrey Permyakov | Ficedula hypoleuca

2017-08-25 | | Andrey Chernykh | Ficedula hypoleuca

2017-08-20 | KO, Mokrousovo | Dmitry Dubikovskiy | Ficedula hypoleuca

2017-08-20 | KO, Mokrousovo | Dmitry Dubikovskiy | Ficedula hypoleuca

2017-08-15 | | Konstantin Samodurow | Ficedula hypoleuca

2017-08-06 | | Mishail Belousow | Ficedula hypoleuca

2017-08-03 | | Konstantin Samodurow | Ficedula hypoleuca

2017-07-29 | | Mishail Belousow | Ficedula hypoleuca

2017-07-16 | | Denis Kazakov | Ficedula hypoleuca

2017-07-09 | | Yuriy Malkov | Ficedula hypoleuca

2017-07-01 | | Maria Demina | Ficedula hypoleuca

2017-06-26 | Kemerovo | Nikolay Alekseev | Ficedula hypoleuca

2017-06-20 | | Denis Zhbir | Ficedula hypoleuca

2017-06-18 | | Liudmila Pozhidaeva | Ficedula hypoleuca

2017-06-07 | Tomsk region, Kolarovo | Sergey Gashkov | Ficedula hypoleuca

2017-06-06 | Kemerovo | Nina Shteinbrenner | Ficedula hypoleuca

2017-06-04 | | Igor Latysh | Ficedula hypoleuca

2017-06-02 | | Aleksandr Gontcharov | Ficedula hypoleuca

2017-05-29 | Barnaul | Natalya Vasilyeva | Ficedula hypoleuca

2017-05-28 | Barnaul | Natalya Vasilyeva | Ficedula hypoleuca

2017-05-27 | Tomsk, Tomsk region | Andrey Bazdyrev | Ficedula hypoleuca

2017-05-23 | | Andrey Chernykh | Ficedula hypoleuca

2017-05-23 | Kemerovo | Nikolay Alekseev | Ficedula hypoleuca

2017-05-22 | Tomsk region, Tomsk | Sergey Gashkov | Ficedula hypoleuca

2017-05-21 | Biysk Altai krai | Vladimir Pankratov | Ficedula hypoleuca

2017-05-21 | | Oleg Peregudov | Ficedula hypoleuca

2017-05-21 | | Yulia Kashinskaya | Ficedula hypoleuca

2017-05-21 | Kemerovo | Nikolay Alekseev | Ficedula hypoleuca

2017-05-21 | Spasskoe, Tomsk district, Tomsk region | Andrey Bazdyrev | Ficedula hypoleuca

2017-05-20 | KO, Cheremichkino | Dmitry Dubikovskiy | Ficedula hypoleuca

2017-05-20 | KO, Cheremichkino | Dmitry Dubikovskiy | Ficedula hypoleuca

2017-05-20 | KO, Cheremichkino | Dmitry Dubikovskiy | Ficedula hypoleuca

2017-05-20 | KO, Cheremichkino | Dmitry Dubikovskiy | Ficedula hypoleuca

2017-05-19 | Kemerovo | Anastasia Klueva | Ficedula hypoleuca

2017-05-15 | | Alexei Ebel | Ficedula hypoleuca

2017-05-14 | | Yulia Kashinskaya | Ficedula hypoleuca

2017-05-14 | KO, Ufimtsevo | Dmitry Dubikovskiy | Ficedula hypoleuca

2017-05-14 | Tomsk, Tomsk region | Andrey Bazdyrev | Ficedula hypoleuca

2017-05-14 | Tomsk, Tomsk region | Andrey Bazdyrev | Ficedula hypoleuca

2017-05-14 | | Mishail Belousow | Ficedula hypoleuca

2017-05-13 | | Yulia Kashinskaya | Ficedula hypoleuca

2017-05-13 | Blagoveschenka, Novosibirsk, NSO | Konstantin Romanov | Ficedula hypoleuca

2017-05-13 | | Maria Demina | Ficedula hypoleuca

2017-05-12 | Tyumen | Vladimir Veitcel | Ficedula hypoleuca

2017-05-08 | | Oleg Peregudov | Ficedula hypoleuca

2017-05-08 | | Oleg Peregudov | Ficedula hypoleuca

2017-05-07 | Biysk, Altay | Natalya Markova | Ficedula hypoleuca

2017-05-07 | | Konstantin Davydik | Ficedula hypoleuca

2017-05-07 | Lineinyi | Anastasia Klueva | Ficedula hypoleuca

2017-05-06 | Tomsk region, Tomsk | Sergey Gashkov | Ficedula hypoleuca

2017-05-05 | Tomsk region, Kolarovo | Sergey Gashkov | Ficedula hypoleuca

2017-05-04 | | Ilya Sukhov | Ficedula hypoleuca

2017-05-03 | | Andrey Chernykh | Ficedula hypoleuca

2017-05-01 | | Ilya Sukhov | Ficedula hypoleuca


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Андрей Бородкин: Выглянул в окно и увидел группу птиц летевших со стороны р. Енисей в восточнов направлении на большой высоте, пока достал фотоаппарат, момент [....]


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Игорь Фефелов: Гнездятся-то на прижимах и восточный, и западный, и сибирский воронок. В Т.долине есть все три .

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