

Northern House Martin

Delichon urbica (Linnaeus, 1758)

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2024-04-27 = 2024-06-25
2023-04-14 = 2023-09-02
2022-04-13 = 2022-08-27
2021-03-17 = 2021-08-29
2020-05-06 = 2020-12-19
2019-04-10 = 2019-08-03
2018-04-19 = 2018-07-26
2017-04-28 = 2017-08-06
2016-04-21 = 2016-07-18
2015-06-13 = 2015-08-03
2014-06-09 = 2014-08-04
2012-06-12 = 2012-06-22

2017-08-06 | | Vladimir Maer | Delichon urbica

2017-08-05 | Ykok Respublica Altai | Vladimir Pankratov | Delichon urbica

2017-07-12 | | Andrey Chernykh | Delichon urbica

2017-07-10 | | Andrey Chernykh | Delichon urbica

2017-07-08 | | Yulia Kashinskaya | Delichon urbica

2017-06-21 | | Ilya Sukhov | Delichon urbica

2017-06-13 | Tashanta, Kosh-Agach district, Altai Republic | Elena Shnayder | Delichon urbica

2017-06-07 | Irkutsk region, Kunerma | Alexey Denisov | Delichon urbica

2017-06-06 | Tyumen region, Tyumen district, Vill. Lukasheno | Maksim Mitropolskiy | Delichon urbica

2017-06-05 | Respyblika Altai Gorno-Altaysk | Pavel Karplyuk | Delichon urbica

2017-05-30 | Krasnoyarsk region | Nikita Yablokov | Delichon urbica

2017-05-28 | Tomsk, Tomsk region | Andrey Bazdyrev | Delichon urbica

2017-05-27 | Ongudai Respublika Altai | Vladimir Pankratov | Delichon urbica

2017-05-25 | | Dmitry Porshnev | Delichon urbica

2017-05-24 | | Sergey Chumakov | Delichon urbica

2017-05-18 | Tobolsk | Vladimir Veitcel | Delichon urbica

2017-05-14 | Irkutsk reg. | Vadim Ivushkin | Delichon urbica

2017-05-14 | | Oleg Peregudov | Delichon urbica

2017-05-08 | Hakasija | Nina Shteinbrenner | Delichon urbica

2017-05-04 | | Sergey Chumakov | Delichon urbica

2017-04-28 | | Igor Latysh | Delichon urbica


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Андрей Бородкин: Спасибо за разъяснение.


Игорь Фефелов: Гнездятся-то на прижимах и восточный, и западный, и сибирский воронок. В Т.долине есть все три .


Александр Нефёдов: за первый вариант

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