

Ferruginous Duck

Aythya nyroca (Guldenstadt, 1770)

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2019-05-31 = 2024-05-21

2024-05-21 | | Andrey Chernykh | Aythya nyroca

2024-05-13 | Kosh-Agachskiy rayon, Altai Republic | Sergey Pisarevskiy | Aythya nyroca

2023-04-22 | | Irina Kruglova | Aythya nyroca

2022-06-21 | Altai Republic | Irina Kruglova | Aythya nyroca

2022-05-30 | | Valerii Bogdanovich | Aythya nyroca

2022-05-27 | | Lopson Bazarov | Aythya nyroca

2022-05-13 | | Lopson Bazarov | Aythya nyroca

2022-05-04 | | Valerii Bogdanovich | Aythya nyroca

2022-04-29 | | Valerii Bogdanovich | Aythya nyroca

2022-04-28 | | Andrey Chernykh | Aythya nyroca

2022-04-17 | Selenginsky district, Republic of Buryatia | Lopson Bazarov | Aythya nyroca

2021-05-28 | Altai Krai | Vladimir Pankratov | Aythya nyroca

2021-05-26 | Kemerovo region | Elena Kleymenova | Aythya nyroca

2021-05-25 | | Nina Shteinbrenner | Aythya nyroca

2021-05-24 | Kuzbass | Dmitry Dubikovskiy | Aythya nyroca

2021-05-18 | Novosibirskaya oblast | Alexandr Kochetkov | Aythya nyroca

2021-05-03 | Altay | Elena Bobachenko | Aythya nyroca

2021-04-27 | Kolarovo, Tomsk district, Tomsk region | Andrey Bazdyrev | Aythya nyroca

2021-04-13 | RA Ust-Koksa | Pavel Karplyuk | Aythya nyroca

2020-05-20 | | Valerii Bogdanovich | Aythya nyroca

2020-05-02 | Altai region | Nadezhda Orlova | Aythya nyroca

2020-04-27 | Novosibirskaya oblast | Alexandr Kochetkov | Aythya nyroca

2020-04-27 | | Andrey Chernykh | Aythya nyroca

2019-05-31 | | Anna Golubeva | Aythya nyroca


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Владимир Панкратов: Да, конечно, я попутал, решил, что это мое фото. А так мы вместе с Павлом его снимали.


Alexey Pavlushkin: Думал прочитать про гибриды на Birds of the World, а там ссылка на Fefelov, I.V. (2001). Comparative breeding ecology and hybridization of Eastern and Western Marsh Harriers Circus spilonotus and C. aeruginosus in [....]


Андрей Бородкин: Спасибо за разъяснение.

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