

Grey Wagtail

Motacilla cinerea (Tunstall, 1771)

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2024-04-21 = 2024-06-18
2023-04-11 = 2023-10-15
2022-04-15 = 2022-09-15
2021-04-19 = 2021-09-26
2020-04-19 = 2020-10-31
2019-04-22 = 2019-11-01
2018-04-22 = 2018-10-08
2017-04-20 = 2017-09-16
2016-04-21 = 2016-08-30
2015-05-01 = 2015-10-07
2014-05-07 = 2014-08-14
2013-05-04 = 2013-06-08
2012-07-05 = 2012-08-09
2006-07-21 = 2006-07-26

2024-06-18 | | Olga Fattakhova | Motacilla cinerea

2024-06-05 | RA | Elena Kleymenova | Motacilla cinerea

2024-05-27 | | Andrei Panov | Motacilla cinerea

2024-05-22 | Chagan-Yzyn | Pavel Karplyuk | Motacilla cinerea

2024-05-20 | | Nadezhda Bogomyakova | Motacilla cinerea

2024-05-19 | | Valerii Bogdanovich | Motacilla cinerea

2024-05-18 | | Anna Vasilchenko | Motacilla cinerea

2024-05-18 | Irkutsk | Nadejda Popova | Motacilla cinerea

2024-05-15 | | Olga Fattakhova | Motacilla cinerea

2024-05-15 | | Nina Shteinbrenner | Motacilla cinerea

2024-05-12 | | Victor Khamin | Motacilla cinerea

2024-05-12 | | Valerii Bogdanovich | Motacilla cinerea

2024-05-11 | | Andrey Chernykh | Motacilla cinerea

2024-05-11 | TO. Tomskay obl. Koshevnikovskiy r-n s. Yvala | Vasily Stashiba | Motacilla cinerea

2024-05-11 | Tomsk, Tomsk region | Andrey Bazdyrev | Motacilla cinerea

2024-05-08 | | Nina Shteinbrenner | Motacilla cinerea

2024-05-07 | Respublika Altay | Vladimir Pankratov | Motacilla cinerea

2024-05-07 | Chendek | Pavel Karplyuk | Motacilla cinerea

2024-05-07 | road to Krasnoyarsk Pillars (national park),east entrance | Andrey Borodkin | Motacilla cinerea

2024-05-06 | Khakassia | Nikita Yablokov | Motacilla cinerea

2024-05-05 | Choya | Pavel Karplyuk | Motacilla cinerea

2024-05-05 | | Vladimir Kulikov | Motacilla cinerea

2024-05-03 | | Anna Vasilchenko | Motacilla cinerea

2024-05-03 | | Anna Vasilchenko | Motacilla cinerea

2024-05-02 | | Tatiana Semenova | Motacilla cinerea

2024-05-02 | Krasnoyarsk | Nadia Goncharova | Motacilla cinerea

2024-04-28 | | Jura Janke | Motacilla cinerea

2024-04-21 | | Nina Shteinbrenner | Motacilla cinerea


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Константин Самодуров: Чечевица.


Константин Самодуров: Гибридная овсянка.


Константин Самодуров: Садовая камышевка.

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