Jack Snipe

Lymnocryptes minimus (Brunnich, 1764)



In all seasons Jack Snipe have same plumages; juveniles are similar on adults. Crown and nape are black with rufous little spots. Black crown bordered by broad longitudinal pale-buffy band; in the middle of which black strip passes. Forehead is yellowish participated by black longitudinal strip. Nape is brownish with black cross mottles and pale streaks on tips of feathers. Back and shoulders are black green glanced and with rufous mottles. Outer webs of shoulder feathers are pale buffy-rufous; and form on back-flanks the light longitudinal bands. Rear-back and uppertail are black violet glanced; some uppertail feather have rufous edges. Throat is white. Fore-neck and flanks od neck, craw, fore-breast and flanks are buffy-rufous with brownish longitudinal streaks and white edges. Other underparts are white. Flight feather are black-brownish, some are with white tips. Tail feathers are dark-brownish rufous barred on outer webs; middle pair of tail feathers are black with rufous edges. Bill is black, some paler and browner in base and in spine of upper mandible. Legs are greenish or brownish. Eyes are dark-brown. Sizes: wing 101 – 117 mm, bill 37 – 41 mm. Weight: 34-43 grams.


Jack Snipe is rare breeding migrant. Inhabits marshes and wet meadows at 1400-2000 m, on migration occurs on grassy lake and river shores. Spring records were from end of February to early April up to mid-May, mostly in April. Clutches of 4 eggs founded in end April - early May. No details are for Kazakhstan. Autumn migration begins late, in end August - mid-September. Small groups and singles observed in end September - first half of October mostly, some birds linger up to mid-November.
