Long-tailed Tit

Aegithalos caudatus (Linnaeus, 1758)

* In case of filtering by the authors the points on the map show only places of photoshoots of the selected author, in case of seasonal sorting the points on map show only places of series of photos shooted ​​in the selected month, in case of sorting by date points on map show places of shooting of all series.
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2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2009 |

2024-05-15 | | Nina Shteinbrenner
2024-04-29 | | Anna Ivankova
2024-04-17 | Altay kray, Novotyryshkino | Vladimir Pankratov
2024-04-13 | Kuzbass | Dmitry Dubikovskiy
2024-04-12 | Krasnoyarsk | Nadia Goncharova
2024-04-09 | Krasnoyarsk krai | Nikita Yablokov
2024-04-07 | | Aleksei Kungurov
2024-04-07 | | Aleksei Kungurov
2024-04-06 | | Jura Janke
2024-04-02 | | Olga Fattakhova
2024-04-01 | | Nina Shteinbrenner
2024-03-24 | | Yaroslav Burmatov
2024-03-23 | | Aleksey Bolshakov
2024-03-20 | | Valerii Bogdanovich
2024-03-14 | | Nadezhda Bogomyakova
2024-03-12 | Biysk, Altay | Natalya Markova
2024-03-10 | | Oleg Davydov
2024-03-09 | | Aleksei Kungurov
2024-03-07 | | Olga Fattakhova
2024-03-05 | Irkutsk | Nadejda Popova
2024-03-03 | | Vjacheslav Liutin
2024-03-01 | | Natalia Vorobyova
2024-02-27 | | Yuliya Shalamova
2024-02-06 | | Andrey Chernykh
2024-02-01 | Novosibirsk | Konstantin Andrussenko
2024-01-29 | Gor'kovkaTyumen | Danil Kosinov
2024-01-27 | | Elena Fedotova
2024-01-26 | | Ekaterina Belova
2024-01-26 | road to Krasnoyarsk Pillars (national park) | Andrey Borodkin
2024-01-20 | Irkutsk | Igor Fefelov
2024-01-20 | | Vjacheslav Liutin
2024-01-15 | | Vladimir Kulikov
2024-01-15 | | Olga Fattakhova
2024-01-05 | | Katya Tsekhmister
2024-01-04 | | Oleg Peregudov
2024-01-01 | | Alexander Popov