Oriental Plover

Charadrius veredus (Gould, 1848)

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* In case of filtering by the authors the points on the map show only places of photoshoots of the selected author, in case of seasonal sorting the points on map show only places of series of photos shooted ​​in the selected month, in case of sorting by date points on map show places of shooting of all series.
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2011-06-01 = 2019-05-26

2019-05-26 | | Victor Khamin
2014-06-19 | Uvs-Nuur, Tuva | Tatyana Archimaeva
2014-06-12 | Daurian Reserve. Chitinskaya oblast. | Georg Stephan Flechtner
2012-06-24 | r. Agar-Dag, Tuva | Tatyana Archimaeva
2011-06-01 | r. Agar-Dag, Tuva | Tatyana Archimaeva