Hooded Crane

Grus monacha (Temminck, 1835)

Чёрный журавль
* In case of filtering by the authors the points on the map show only places of photoshoots of the selected author, in case of seasonal sorting the points on map show only places of series of photos shooted ​​in the selected month, in case of sorting by date points on map show places of shooting of all series.
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2015-09-04 = 2024-05-01

2024-05-01 | | Maxim Afanasiev
2023-07-16 | | Lopson Bazarov
2023-06-12 | | Aleksey Kudinov
2023-06-03 | Irkutsk reg. | Vadim Ivushkin
2023-05-12 | Место съемки на английском языке | Svetlana Vasilkova
2023-04-17 | | Victor Khamin
2022-08-20 | | Anna Vasilchenko
2021-07-24 | in the vicinity of the Borzya, Borzinsky district, Trans-Baikal Territory. | Victor Khamin
2021-06-22 | | Shchipkova&Dmitriev Shchipkova &Dmitriev
2020-09-06 | | Maxim Afanasiev
2020-06-25 | | Anna Vasilchenko
2020-06-13 | | Maxim Afanasiev
2020-06-08 | | Maxim Afanasiev
2020-05-29 | | Jack Wilshere
2020-05-02 | | Ivan Aianitov
2019-08-19 | Irkutsk region,Olkhonskiy district, Uzury | Alexey Denisov
2019-08-17 | Irkutsk region,Olkhonskiy district, Uzury | Alexey Denisov
2019-07-21 | | Victor Khamin
2019-06-10 | | Anna Vasilchenko
2018-06-20 | Borzya River, Transbaikalia | Vladimir Arkhipov
2017-05-11 | | Ivan Aianitov
2015-09-04 | Borzya River valley, Zabaikalsky Kray | Igor Fefelov